surrounded by disciples

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Chris and Nico are joined this week by fellow hobo entrepreneur Almog (pictured above surrounded by his disciples), and together they take a deep dive on meditation, presence, emotion, spirituality and how it fits in with the hobo business person.

More than just a sexy baritone voice, Almog has woven a great balance in his life across business, social, emotional and comedic. Chris and Nico ran into Almog in Berlin and have had regular hobo philosiphical business discussion, and this week remembered to turn the microphone on 🙂

Mentioned in this episode

The Presence Process: A Journey into Present Moment Awareness

The Kabbalah

Editing and production by Podcast Magic

One Response to “Hobo Inner Game with Almog – Meditation, Presence, Spirituality and Business”

  1. Almog

    Thanks for the interview Chris and Nico. I had a great time chatting to you guys 🙂